Grant Guidelines
Guidelines for Grant Applications
In order to accomplish the Foundation’s mission effectively and efficiently, the Board of Directors of the Living Legacy Community Foundation have developed a thorough review process for grant applications. The “Community” encompasses the municipalities of Russell Binscarth and Riding Mountain West.
The categories for which grants may be applied for are as follows: health, culture and heritage, community infrastructure, education, recreation, youth & seniors.
Granting Criteria
- Organizations must demonstrate a strong and committed board, fiscal responsibility, and effective management.
- Projects must benefit primarily the people of the “Community” (as defined).
- Applicants must establish that there is a need for their project.
- Grants are awarded for definite purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.
- Capital requests must include a maintenance and replacement plan.
- Pilot or demonstration projects must include provision for evaluation and a realistic plan for financial viability beyond the pilot stage.
- Matching or challenge grants may be made in appropriate circumstances to stimulate response from other sources.
- Bursaries and scholarships are awarded to educational institutions and not individuals.
- Encourage more efficient use of community resources.
- Demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems.
- Promote cooperation and sharing among organizations, eliminating duplication of services.
- Promote volunteer participation.
Formal Requirements
Charitable organizations must be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or be sponsored by a charitable organization.
Groups or organizations that are sponsored by a charitable organization must have a formal, written agency agreement with that charitable organization, which must abide by CRA requirements and be acceptable in both content and form to the Living Legacy Community Foundation.
The Living Legacy Community Foundation will NOT generally fund:
• Individuals
• annual fund drives
• establish or add to endowment funds
• political activities
• direct religious activities
• operating expenses
• retroactive expenses